Sunday 3 July 2016

Lets #CatchUpOnGrowth

"Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise" 
is a great saying very well acquainted by all. This is what we pass on to our children and coming generations so that they grow up into "Great and Good Human Beings". But is it right to sum up that education, the moral values, the principles which a child holds are enough to make a "Great Person". For me the answer is "No". I believe apart from all these factors a "Good Health" too plays a very important role in building a "Great Human beings". Health has a great connection  to all our "Emotional, Psychological, Mental and physical behaviour.
Coming to a very basic question, what is Health? The definition may  be different for different people but for me 
"Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, then the gates of the soul open.”

In other words, it is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well - being.

Health should be given utmost importance in the same way we do towards earning income to satisfy our basic needs and luxuries of life. I remember someone saying that there is a cycle when we sacrifice health to earn more, but later all those compromises results us in deteriorating health. We end up spending all the hard earned money back for a better health, even though we can't compensate for all the pain & suffering because of health. But have we ever thought that if we have sound mind and body we can work more and more and create more wealth. A GOOD HEALTH is also a door to "Happy Life and Success of a human - Being". But to my disappointment, it does not hold true.

 According, to The World Bank report, India is one of the highest ranking countries in the world for the number of children suffering from Malnutrition (Undernutrition). Malnutrition is a condition that results from eating a diet in which there is a lack or excess of nutrients such that the diet causes health problems. Malnutrition or under nutrition occurs where there is not enough calories, protein, or "MICRONUTRIENTS"(ironcobaltchromiumcopperiodinemanganeseseleniumzinc and molybdenum" which is required by our body though in smaller

In 2016, The UNICEF, WHO, World Bank presented Joint Child Malnutrition dataset, which showed that under nutrition contributes to nearly half of all deaths in children fewer than 5 and is widespread in Asia and Africa. 


The lack of essential macronutrients and micronutrients may result in chronic diseases, physical retardation and reduce cognitive abilities. Not only this, it is one of the main reason of "Underweight and under height" in children which brings worries and anxiety to parents. 

When they see that their  child among other  children are not well developed and not showing  proper growth in height and weight  as compared to them who belongs to same age group they start thinking Why it’s so happening to their child, then they start running to the doctors to know the suitable reason for this? 

They start taking extra care and include the foods in the diet which will lead to proper growth and their development whether in height and weight so that their child doesn't suffer from lack of confidence and lack of mental, physical, psychological and emotional factors. 

Whatever has happened to us w.r.t. to lost growth, we can't afford that lost growth to happen for our new generation. Hence its time to acknowledge this issue and fight back the epidemic of malnutrition. Lets #CatchUpOnGrowth for all the lost growth with extra growth plus.